Ginés Garrido
Nace en Albacete en 1962. Es arquitecto por la ETSAM donde es profesor de Proyectos Arquitectónicos desde 1991. Ha sido profesor invitado en numerosas universidades tanto españolas como extranjeras y director de la revista Bau entre 1995 y 2001. Ha publicado, entre otros libros: Konstantin Mélnikov (2001), Wolkenbügel El Lissitzky (2004), Mosei Ginzburg. Escritos 1923—1930 (2007) y Cartas de Paris. Alexander Ródchenko (2009). Es fundador de la oficina Burgos & Garrido Arquitectos, cuyos proyectos han sido premiados y publicados ampliamente. Recientemente ha terminado el proyecto de urbanización de las 150 hectáreas de las márgenes del rio Manzanares en Madrid.
Congratulations in particular for the extremely thorough publication on the pavilion, where I see a welcome extension of the modest research I had done years ago.
Jean-Louis Cohen
Sheldon H. Solow Professor in the History of Architecture
Institute of Fine Art/New York University
Please accept my profound thanks and admiration for this truly splendid labor of love, intellect, and creative passion. "Bravissimo!"
Your new book is a major contribution to the study of Soviet architecture and a re-construction of the dynamic cultural - sociological themes directly impacting artistic design in that revolutionary moment.
Philip Eliasoph, Ph.D
Professor of Art History / Dept. of Visual & Performing Arts College of Arts & Sciences Founder/ Director, 'Open VISIONS Forum' town square lecture series 'Arts & Minds' - Academic Community Cultural Engagement programs FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY
Thank you for your Melnikov in Paris book. I liked very much comparisons of the motives that you place almost on every double-page.
It works as the visual text.
It came out a very complete book on Melnikova and his time.
Alexander Lavrentiev
Commissioner, Arts Division
Connecticut Commission for Culture & Tourism
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