The true essence of the Renaissance did not go so much the mere imitation of the ancient classical art, although this aspect, by more visible, is the one that studies the most, but the Renaissance was a new conception of life, a way of thinking that defines a whole period. So then, although it may seem paradoxical, the Renaissance comes from the Middle Ages as much as from the Classical Antiquity.
The change of mentality promoted by the Humanism is first reflected on the Greater Arts: the Trivium (Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetorical) and the Quadrivium (Arithmetical, Geometry, Music and Astronomy), the ones that cultivate the spirit. The Architecture, as a manual and low-status human activity, needed to be dignified, and for this reason it appropriated the fundamental principles that lived in the Greater Arts, being considered because of that reason like Liberal Art.
A change of style is something else apart from a formal change, therefore the objective of the present thesis is to study the buildings built in Galicia in the Renaissance, in a period scoped between 1499-1657, approaching then from the perspective of his creative genesis, studying the application of the Greater Arts in the already mentioned constructions.
The methodology employed in part of the detailed metric study of the construction, in his documentary-historical study and in the transversal study of other buildings complies to the same typology, to be able to value, as it deserves to be valued, the object of study, analysing it inside the linearity historical.