1. location
a place defined by its ability to be inhabited
a place determined by its character, identity and memory
2. project -the possibility of transforming the place
proposing a space defined by light, materia and temperature.
proposing a location determined by proportion, scale and dimension.
3. proposal -a proposal built on living
home, rest, water, study, sharing…
Reflecting on how essential is living
on the relation between body and space
over the ways and relations of the individual with the everyday life
4. deliverables -A1 horizontal image, 72 dpi, in .PDF format with a maximum size of 12 Mb.
The graphic information to be required will be a short story, a diagram and a reference image, one or several selected elements, among plants, elevations, sections, perspectives, axonometry, photomontage, collages, drawings, sketches, photographs of models, infographics... to communicate and transmit the spatial experience of this proposal.